A place for everyone to have fun whether it’s a child or an adult is none other than an amusement park. The word itself makes us feel amused right? Everyone always has a good time in amusement parks and they always want to keep those good moments captured in a photograph. So they can relive those memories whenever they get a glance in those photos. Some photographers visit amusement parks to make their portfolios heavier. Some photography agencies use amusement parks as a venue for capturing fashion photoshoot. And sometimes the owner of the amusement park hires a photographer to capture photos of it. They then use these photos to do their promotion digitally and on print media too. Some photographers are still not that much professional yet in this field so they search for some cool amusement park picture ideas to do some amazing amusement park photography.
In this article we’ll give you some unique and very much helpful amusement park picture ideas and some very awesome amusement park photography tips to help you sky rocket your photography career and become a pro in no time.
So without further adieu, let’s start!
Plan Where to Go
You have to plan first about the amusement park that is best for the kind of photoshoot you want to do. If it is some place that matches with the type of background you want or has the rides you want to capture then that place is what you should go to. So use Google to find the best amusement parks in your area and then research and plan about it.

Decide your Equipment
There is lots of equipment for taking any type of photos. But you need to first decide what kind of photos you would want to capture in the amusement park. Depending on that decide what equipments are best for you. If you want to take wide angled shots or landscape photos of the amusement park then these are the necessary equipments you should carry – A camera, different lenses, tripod, lighting sources, extra batteries and memory cards. If you have these equipments in your disposal then you are ready for taking any type of photos on amusement parks.

Take Permission
Amusement park is always crowded. So many people go there for refreshment with their family, friends etc. So, the park community tries to keep everything secure for them. If you willing to go there for photography, it’s a must to take the permission from them. It’ll be good for you if you clarify what will you do by the photography. Because some parks have limits on how big of a lens you can bring even they also have restrictions full size tripods. After getting the permission, start your photography with different concepts.

Right Camera Setting
Camera setting actually depends on the lighting condition of the amusement park as well as the time you are planning to take the photo. There is always a right camera setting for the condition of the place. If you are taking photos in broad daylight then you should use ISO between 100 – 200, the aperture depends on the depth of field you want (lower aperture for higher depth of field and higher aperture for lower depth of field) I prefer keeping the shutter speed on auto and use shutter priority mode. The white balance is what fits your lighting source best. If you are capturing low light photography then I suggest increasing the ISO and use a slow shutter speed. Using these right camera settings you can come up with a shot that’s just picture perfect.

Capture the Surrounding
In an amusement parks you will get so many eye catching photography things. Amusement park is not only fulfill with rides and crowds, there are some other surroundings too. Like you will see so many stalls of food, different accessories, cloth stores etc. which you can capture. But one of the most attractive things are the big dolls and puppets, who do fun with everyone and that can be worth photographing. To do some extra ordinary photography, always look around you.

Click the Fun Fair
There is always a fun fair taking place in any amusement park. People keep stalls and sell various items like toys, candies, etc. They even keep stalls for small games like shooting balloons, throwing rings, etc. People gather up in such places and enjoy playing these small games on fun fair. Take photos of such places on the amusement park. These photos come great too.

Shoot the Photos of the Rides
Main attractions of an amusement park are its rides. You will see different types of rides in an amusement park while visiting and taking photos. In fact, these are the rides which are very important factors of amusement park. Because people go to amusement parks to enjoy with the rides. You can click the photos of moving rides or the still rides. But do click photos of every ride. That will give you a feel of taking park picture. In my amusement park picture ideas, this is actually one of the bests. Whenever I think about amusement park, it is rides that comes into my mind. So do not forget to click ride photos.

Include the Crowd
While taking amusement park picture, you need to think what could be clicked apart from the rides and the surrounding. There is one more thing which is important at an amusement park that is the crowd of that park. In this amusement park photo ideas, you can include one more idea which is including the crowd of the park in your camera frame. You will see many kinds of crowd out there. Make them part of your amusement park photography and click photos of the crowd. But you have to be careful while clicking the photos of the crowd. You cannot just annoy the crowd. Some crowd may feel it like harassment. So it is better to take permission from them if you can click their photos.

Shoot Motion Photos
Amusement park has many rides. The rides will always keep on moving. Why not click the photos of those moving rides? If you take amusement park picture, it would be great to show the rides moving. Although it is not that easy to make. You need to have proper camera setting to do so. Keep your aperture and shutter speed high and the ISO low. Keep clicking some constant photographs of the rides. Then you may get a motion photo out of your amusement park photography. If you know how to make a picture looks like it’s moving by photo editing, then you can add moving elements even later on post photography.

Click Candids
Sometimes a sudden photography gives you much pleasure. In an amusement park, you will so many peoples hanging around. If you find anything interesting, without thinking just snap it. You can put up a straightforward and truthful talk through your candid picture. So, in a park try to photograph as much candid as you can to get some more good outcomes from your photography.

Try Unique Angles
At any funfair you will see a dozen of photographers who are also looking for some great shots. Thou you are not in competition with them but it feel so good when you come back home with a unique photograph. Don’t stick on a one place, always try to take from different angles for a perfect shot. Once you got a safe shot, challenge yourself to see the same scene from a unique angle.

Go for Post Processing
No matter what kind of photography you are doing, a photo may consist of several flaws. It is photo editing that can fix all the flaws of your photographs. It is very important to undergo through post processing of those photos. Do not deliver or post your park photos before doing photo editing of those photos. If you apply those photo editing techniques on the photos, the photos will look flawless. If you do not know how to edit photos then you can take help from different photo editing companies and clipping path service. By doing that, you can save a lot of time of yours and can get amazing photos like professionals.

Amusement park photography is fun yet a bit tricky. If you know these amusement park picture ideas, it will be easier for you to take amusement park picture. Apply these 12 tips for amusement and park photography and see the difference. These ideas are definitely going to help you to take professional photos. It is your choice if you apply these techniques or not but we can ensure you that following these ideas will prove beneficial for you.