For every parent, having a child is a blessing. It is one of the most exciting days for them. But a few guardians seize the chance to have a picture taker present to report those first minutes after landing with the way of life infant photography sessions, known as “Initial 48” or “New 48” sessions.
It is an ideal method to catch that brand novelty of an infant in the emergency clinic within the initial 48 hours of birth. So, those 48 hours are precious for parents. It is the time when you can do hospital birth photography. Before doing that, you need to know some newborn photography tips.
Equipment for birth photography-
Proper lens
In birth photography, you often need to work in tight spaces and small rooms. So, the lens you choose needs to have the ability to take sharp photos from wide angles. Tight spaces and rough situations will always be trouble for you. So, pick the right lens to make sure you can shoot properly. Most professionals use 24-70mm prime lenses for birth photography.
Extra battery
No photographer wants to wait and miss any moment of the child just because the camera runs out of battery. It will be very shameful too! Events tend to take place fast in birth photography as the whole process comes at you at super speed. So, carry an extra charged battery to avoid any delay.
Here are the top 10 Tips and Tricks for Hospital Birth Photography
Make Yourself Prepared
As we are talking about hospital birth photography tips, we need to know the first thing we need to do. Well, you need to make yourself prepared before getting the news. It is necessary for newborn photography because you never know when the time comes. Therefore, you cannot miss the chance to capture the excitement when you get the news about the baby. So, carry your camera and other gadgets to the hospital. You do not need to bring heavy things with you as only a camera and lenses are required. Make sure you charge the camera and the lens you have carried is fresh. You can even make a To-do list for the session!

Be ready when the news breaks out
In the hospital, everyone is full of nervousness and excitement when the baby is about to come. They have different emotions and expressions on their faces. As soon as they hear the news of the baby coming out, their happiness goes off the limits as the sense of true joy reflects on their face. It is the right time for you to capture these pure expressions. So, be ready to click the photos right after getting the news. It is the best way to get some natural emotion from the people that will make the picture realistic.

Click Family Portrait
Portrait photos are always attractive and wanted by people. You may get the best photograph of the day by clicking your first family portrait photograph with the newborn baby at the hospital. But you should know the portrait photography techniques before that. Be aware of getting an assortment of pictures of the new family altogether. Regardless of whether the new mama is increasingly agreeable in bed or is prepared to represent for a short time, make sure to capture their spic and span minutes every time the door opens to you. Getting a decent mix of characteristic photographs versus pictures of the family taking a gander at the camera is additionally something to remember!

Capture the first movement
While doing hospital birth photography, never miss capturing the moment when the baby moves for the first time. It is a very precious moment you can capture and give to the parents of that baby ever. It is something very emotional for the parents. So, be ready when the child moves! But you have to be very careful at that time. Be as quiet as possible and keep the place noise free. Otherwise, the baby might freak out and remain standstill.

Remember the mother too!
While clicking the photos of a newborn baby, you cannot forget about the mother. She is equally significant for the event. Take some shots of the mother and see those precious emotions and expressions of a new mother. But do not make her feel uncomfortable in any way. Be friendly and supportive!

Capture the details
As for capturing a baby photograph who has just been born, a parent would want all of its detailed photos. They would love to see the pictures of tiny body parts like hands, legs, faces, and ears. Use your camera and zoom in to focus on the small details of the newborn. These photos will always be memorable to the parents.

Tell a Story
Every professional photographer will suggest you these tips at least once. It is only the cup of coffee of a photographer to tell a story through his photograph. In the future, the baby will want to see how happy their parents were to see them for the first time. It will be quite a matter of happiness for the child to see how his parents played with him and watched him sleep peacefully for the first time. So use these incidents to make a story!

Do not use Flash
Newborn babies have soft skin that is not immune to light exposure. So, avoid flash while capturing the photos. Using flash also ruins the softness of the image. It may also wake up the baby from sleep. For this reason, professionals suggest not using flash while capturing hospital birth photos. You can use natural soft light instead.

Keep a backup file
You should always keep a backup of every photograph you have captured in your life. You can use these photos in your portfolio and even for advertising purposes. It can also happen that the parents for whom you had done the project have lost some precious photographs as they didn’t have a backup. So, I suggest keeping a backup is always helpful and can come in handy anytime.

Photo Editing
A little bit of post-processing is always necessary for enhancing any photograph. Photo editing helps a photographer to make the photo more attractive. You can always use Photoshop or Lightroom for this purpose. Most photographers use Lightroom for editing photographs. You can also use a photo editing service and can enhance your workflow.

The only importance of this kind of photography is the memory that it keeps within. That memory is always a happy feeling for the clients. You need to capture the images in such a way that it looks memorable and beautiful. The above tips will help you to capture such exceptional Hospital Birth Photographs. So, next time you want to photograph a baby, keep these tips in mind and have a happy photo session. Good Luck!